Job searching

Looks like the contract I work on is starting to really wind down, and the possibility of me being without employment may in fact become a reality.  That said, I am going to add a tab with a slightly redacted resume on it, in hopes of getting more exposure in the career field that I am seeking gainful, full time employment in.

I am an industrial security specialist, or more to the point, a Facility Security Officer (FSO).  It seems that only people “in the know” really understand what that is, so I would like to explain it more in depth.

A Facility Security Officer is a person designated by a “contractor company” to maintain said company’s Facility Clearance Letter (FCL).  In other words, the FSO is in charge of all things security related as set forth in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), DoD 5220.22M for the company it works for.  Any “cleared” contractor company requires an FSO.

I have been in the industrial security specialist field for almost 11 years now in one capacity or another, with increasing responsibilities.  For the last 4-ish years, I have been the FSO for a contract company that services one of the US Air Force’s largest personnel services contracts of over 700 employees.  I would like to think that I am pretty good at what I do, as my last two (and only) Defense Security Services Risk Assessment scores as an FSO have been “Superior” and “Commendable”.

Please take a look at my resume.  If there is something you know of in the state of NH or MA, feel free to email me.



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